Deploying a tRPC Backend to Bunny Edge Scripting How you can deploy your tRPC project to Bunny Edge Scripting platform - a great European alternative to Cloudflare Workers etc.
The quickest way to change your nix configuration NixOS is great, but it is a bit tedious to always type out vim /etc/nixos/... etc to make changes to your system, nor do I want a complicated setup for my nix configuration files. So I devised a little script to speed up the progress, which I saved to
Benchmarking Cloudflare R2 HEAD Requests from Cloudflare Workers Motivation Why would I do this? For my latest project, mapvoyage, I need to serve text files (wikitext to be specific), directly to the user if possible, as well as in a separate function select one wikitext file to display from a list of wikidata ids that may or may
Best Snow'n'Rail Student Offers SBB gives great package deals on Ski Trips + Train Tickets. An overview of the best offers of this season
Exercise Timesheet Template 💡ETH has started again - the best time to (re-)organise your studying! I made this little Spreadsheet Template to track how much time I spend on which exercises/lectures - enjoy! Exercise Timesheet TemplateExercise Timesheet Template.ods14 KBdownload-circle Note: I will probably keep this page updated when I choose
Fedora Post-Install Guide for NVIDIA Laptops Steps to fix display and battery issues everyone with an NVIDIA laptop should take
Exam Session Study Plan Google Sheets Template Plan your next exam season with this handy study plan template.
Low-Cost Unlimited Server Storage using S3 and JuiceFS Add an unlimited external file system to your server for just $6/TB/month